Monday, May 18, 2009

So I took a bit of a hiatus...

I know it's been a while since I've written here...I'm sorry to those who look for the updates. (If there are any XD)

But there's good news generated by the actually made for a blog post!

Originally, the hiatus had occurred because I was busy babysitting during my most active hours: night time. So posting had become a little difficult. But once the baby sitting thing was over another problem arose...a problem that was a veritable stake to the heart of a vampire...for me.

My internet went down!

I was doomed to what felt like endless hours, minutes, seconds of mind-numbing-brain-cell-frying-agonizing-drawn-out boredom. If it is possible to die from boredom...I came the closest anyone's ever come to actually doing so. There could have been lab studies on this scientific conundrum.

And the worst part of it all was that the boredom was augmented by a lack of TV and telephone. I was delirious with stagnation!

However; as you can see, I was saved...unless, of course, someone can explain how I could possibly blog from the grave.

That would be pretty cool. XD I'm spending all my time on the internet again, so there should be some more blog postings in the very near future.

In the mean time...why don't you buy a cup of signature tea and relax?

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