Monday, May 4, 2009

Cayenne Pepper

Now, I mentioned previously about how I'd caught some kind of cold not to long ago. I caught it from a friend of mind and have since gotten over it completely. However, I'm sure you are aware, sometimes when you get over a sickness there are lingering symptoms. The straggling battles your body is fighting to kick the last of that filthy virus out. A cough, a soreness in the throat. Little things.

Well I had a leftover sore throat from this cold. Not too bad, just a nagging pain. I get impatient sometimes, so I went looking for something to help me out a bit. I prefer to stick to home remedies and things like that...quite frankly, because they tend to work.

So I found one.

A glass of warm water
A teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
A bit of salt

Mixed all together and gargled. You have to do the whole glass.

Lot's of people said it worked almost instantly and even helped loosen congestion and leftover cold sinus gunk. So I tried it...doubting that it would work as fast as people said.

I was wrong.

That stuff worked damn near instantly on me. I could feel it working with the first gargled sip. By the end of the glass I was amazed.

Way to go Cayenne Pepper!

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